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transformation of energy中文是什么意思

用"transformation of energy"造句"transformation of energy"怎么读"transformation of energy" in a sentence


  • 能的转换


  • A city electric - power plant affords an illustration of complicated transformations of energy
  • The process by which energy is changed from one form into another is called the transformation of energy
  • Mineral resources satisfy the material demands and producing demands of people at the form or the transformations of energy
  • The purpose of paper is to explore the cause - and - effect of the exercising capability and the transformation of energy in the judo
  • The law of conservation and transformation of energy is the chief basis of physical , astronomical and chemical reasoning as well as of engineering practice
  • The law of conservation and transformation of energy is the chief basis of physical , astronomical and chemical reasoning as well as of engineering practice
  • Starting with fire , the first domesticated energy , the exhibition follows man ' s development and transformation of energy production to ever higher degrees of sophistication that has followed in parallel to his own evolution
    从火? ?这个第一个为人类所驯服使用的能源开始,伴随着人类的发展,能源生产也历经变革,从简单到复杂,其发展程度已经达到与人类自身进化相平行的高度,正如火星之于燎原大火。
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